Index Finger Meaning

FingerIndex Finger MeaningIndex

An index finger problem means the presence of fear and anger. If your middle finger itches you, it is the process that forces us to ask ourselves difficult questions, and its symbolism is balance, justice and responsibility. Maybe you lack self-criticism, you are reckless and tactless – all things to change as soon as possible. Hand “B” means your index finger is longer than your ring finger. Hand “C” means your ring and index finger are the same length. Hand “A” means you are charming!

A person with thick and solid thumbs may benefit from his/her parents. Those people always have a very practical money concept and they will not spend money on the things overemphasizing sensual pleasures, such as gorgeous clothes and food, which are not practical in their eyes. They have very simple demands for life and they are quite practical and promise-keeping rather than scheming.
A person with flat, thin, uneven and flexible thumbs always has the personality opposite to the one with thick and solid thumbs. Those people do not like the methodical rather than quick and convenient life; they are impatient and often seek for enjoyment.
The longer thumbs indicate the relatively smooth fortune, fast progress, academic excellence and strong body in youth with more love and care from the eldership. Those who have longer thumbs are more confident in career, more initiative in love and always desire for high-quality love and life.
Those who have shorter thumbs need to rely on their own efforts in youth; they are practical and down-to-earth in career and they often build up from nothing instead of showing off their wealth.

Index Finger Meaning

Women whose index finger is longer than ring finger are sentimental, careful, modest, sensitive and unadventurous.
Men whose index finger is longer than ring finger have the female characteristics and are warm and mild in personality; also, they are as careful and patient as women, sensitive, modest, nervous, talented in art, good at oral expression, fond of vegetables, family-oriented and not promiscuous in sex relations.
Women of longer index finger tend to have asymmetric looks.
Women of longer index finger tend to have a strong fertility while men of longer index finger have a weak
Cognitive Ability
If your index finger is longer than ring finger, you will find you are good at art rather than science and more likely to receive a high education; you are more anxious in learning the new technologies, such as learning to use computer, and tend to have technophobia.
Health & Disease
If your index finger is longer than ring finger, you will be prone to breast cancer, allergy, eczema and asthma; men will be more likely to have a heart disease before the age of 50. Men with longer index finger tend to have a heart disease between 35 and 80 while men with longer ring finger between 58 and 80.
Sexual Orientation
Men of longer index finger than ring finger often have the homosexual tendency.