Meeting Notes In Onenote

There are plenty of guides and information on how to add notes from an Outlook meeting into OneNote, but what if you want to do it the other way around and put a OneNote note into an Outlook meeting invitation?

Here’s how you do it.

Since updating to Office 1910, the OneNote Meeting Notes option no longer works within Calendar. It goes as far as displaying the options for either sharing notes or taking your own notes but nothing happens with OneNote when either is chosen. I use this every day. Rather than waiting hours (or days) for the sales person to go back and type up hand written notes, we're now able to provide meeting notes within minutes. Here's how we do it. Open your OneNote and create a section call “Meeting Notes” (or whatever you wish to keep track of your meetings under). Here's how we do it. Open your OneNote and create a section call “Meeting Notes” (or whatever you wish to keep track of your meetings under): On the page below, you can setup subject titles for each section on the page. Here's the template we use (adapted from an existing templates within OneNote).

MeetingMeeting Notes In OnenoteNotesTeams meeting notes in onenote

Here I have an appointment for what we’re having for dinner this evening. I want to include a link to the recipe I’m using, and I keep most of my recipes in OneNote to make it easy to search for a particular idea or ingredient.

Find the note you want to link to, right click it and select ‘Copy Link to Page’.

Go back to your meeting invite, right click and select paste, or press Control and V, and a link to the recipe will appear.

I store my OneNote files in OneDrive so this link will work for others with access to the same OneNote notebook, but if you keep your files elsewhere it will create the link directly to the file. This may or may not work depending on if you access the files from the same path (e.g. a mapped network drive, or on the same computer) as someone else.

Taking Meeting Notes In Onenote

Alternatively you can just paste the entire note to the invite, although you’ll then lose the sometimes useful ability to update the original note, in this case with notes about the recipe like ‘more sausage’. For this, right click and select copy,

Then paste as normal into the meeting.

Onenote Meeting Agenda

Credit for the original recipe to Gordon Ramsay, and the adapted version was from this blog.